Joy Laking


Joy Laking

Visual Artist

Joy Snihur Wyatt Laking is a life member of the Truro Art’s Society. “It is an organization that I believe in. The annual group show gives all members a chance to participate in an exhibition. Certainly when I first moved to Colchester Country in 1975, the group exhibitions were where I got my start. My solo exhibition with the Truro Art’s Society in 1983 led to being chosen to do the 1984 telephone book cover and eventually helped get me a solo exhibition at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia in 1989.”

Pottersfield Press has published two of Joy’s books. “Colours in Winter” in 2019 and “The Paint Province, Nova Scotia through an artist’s eyes” in 2020. Both books are available from your local book seller or from Joy’s Gallery in Portaupique. (6730 Hwy 2, Bass River). Joy posts paintings as they are created as well as painting tips on her facebook page and her website, She teaches a one day watercolour workshop in Parrsboro through Parrsboro Creative once a year. It is suitable for beginners through to other professionals.